A review of the soldierfish
genus Ostichthys (Beryciformes: Holocentridae),
with descriptions of two new species from Myanmar
David W. Greenfield, John
E. Randall & Peter N. Psomadakis
The twelve species in the
genus Ostichthys are reviewed and two new species
are described from bottom trawls taken off the coast
of Myanmar: O. convexus from 116-129 m
and O. daniela from 121-129 m. Both species
have 3.5 scales above the lateral line to the
middle of the spinous dorsal fin, 28 or 29 lateral-line
scales, the last dorsal-fin spine shorter than the
penultimate spine, the height of the suborbital bone
below the center of eye less than half of the orbit
diameter, 13 lower gill rakers, 16-17 pectoral-fin
rays, and the snout length 6.2-6.8 in head length;
additionally both lack a nasal spine extending beyond
the median upper lip and lack a spine at the corner
of the preoperculum. The two new species differ from
each other in head shape, length of the caudal peduncle,
and fresh coloration. Keys are provided to the genera
of Myripristinae and the Ostichthys species
herein recognized. Photographic documentation of two
possible undescribed Ostichthys spp. from Myanmar
and Fiji is also included.
Greenfield, D.W., Randall,
J.E. & Psomadakis, P.N. (2017) A review of the
soldierfish genus Ostichthys (Beryciformes:
Holocentridae), with descriptions of two new species
from Myanmar. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation,
26, 1-33.
publication date: 2 March