Starksia splendens, a
new endemic labrisomid blenny from the Cayman Islands
(Teleostei: Labrisomidae)
Benjamin C. Victor
A new endemic species of labrisomid blenny, Starksia
splendens n. sp., is described from the Cayman
Islands in the central Caribbean Sea. The new blenny
is a member of the Starksia lepicoelia species
complex (Blackcheek Shy Blennies), which breaks up
into a set of allopatric cryptic species in the region.
This case is an example of the difficulty in delineating
species boundaries when there is high variation in
marking patterns: without the combination of extensive
underwater photography and mtDNA sequencing, diagnostic
differences could not be accurately determined. In
this case, the new species is distinguished by color
patterns, species-specific black markings on the lips
of both females and males, as well as elongated, ribbon-like,
white orbital cirri on mature males. Mitochondrial
DNA sequencing reveals a 7.22% divergence in the sequence
of the mtDNA COI barcode marker from the nearest member
of the species complex, S. williamsi, from
the Lesser Antilles. The species complex now comprises
5 allopatric species and 6 distinct mtDNA lineages,
with two genovariant populations of S. lepicoelia
sympatric in the Bahamas.
Victor, B.C. (2018) Starksia
splendens, a new endemic labrisomid blenny from
the Cayman Islands (Teleostei: Labrisomidae). Journal
of the Ocean Science Foundation, 31, 54-73.
publication date: 29 October