Notes on fishes of the mesophotic reefs of Reunion Island
Yi-Kai Tea, Patrick Plantard & Brian D. Greene
Ichthyofaunal assemblages of mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) remain largely uncharacterized in the Western Indian Ocean. Recent underwater exploration of MCEs on the island of Reunion in the Mascarene Archipelago, Western Indian Ocean, resulted in several high-quality photographs of the island's deep reef ichthyofauna. We report new distributional records for Plectranthias inermis Randall, 1980 and Pseudanthias bimarginatus Randall, 2011 at Reunion Island based on field observations and underwater photographs. Additionally, we provide new live photographs of the little-known Reunion Angelfish, Apolemichthys guezei (Randall & Mauge, 1978), representing only the second photographic documentation of this elusive and apparently endemic species.
Tea, Y.K., Plantard, P. & Greene, B.D. (2020) Notes on fishes of the mesophotic reefs of Reunion Island.
Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 35, 1-7.
publication date: 14 January